20th of October 2020 at 7.30 PM CEST

 The Webber Teleclass will be taught by Prof. Didier Pittet (Chair of Clean Hospitals) and Dr.Pierre  Parneix (Education Director of Clean Hospitals). They  will be addressing your most pressing questions in healthcare environmental hygiene and explaining why it is so key for preventing healthcare-associated infections, protecting staff, and for our environment.

 This teleclass is one of the main activities organized around the first “Clean Hospitals Day”.  The global objective of this day is to highlight the importance of healthcare environmental hygiene as an integral part of patient safety. The teleclass will focus on why environmental hygiene is so crucial for preventing communicable disease outbreaks and healthcare-associated infections, as well as for protecting staff and the larger environment.

This Webber teleclass aims to bring the best possible infection prevention and control information to the widest possible audience with the fewest barriers to access. Teleclass Education is an international lecture series on infection prevention and control topics.

Follow the Clean Hospitals social media accounts to be aware in advance of the questions that will be answered during the teleclass ! 

How to participate in the teleclass

Follow this link

At the bottom of the page click on register.

If you do not have an account yet, create your account and login.

Select the Clean Hospitals Day teleclass and register.

Two days before the teleclass you will have access to the presentation and related materials.

The recoding of this lecture will be available after the live teleclass.

About the teleclass education and further information.


Discover everything about the Clean Hospitals Day 

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