20th of October 2022 - 20/10/2022
Everything about the Clean Hospitals Day initiative.
Our mission
Clean Hospitals is an organization that connects stakeholders from all over the world and enables them to improve healthcare environmental hygiene together. The role of this project is to increase awareness and consequently lead to a change in environmental hygiene culture, by providing guidance and knowledge and support in adoption of proven innovations. This will enable the implementation of global standards for environmental hygiene, to protect the lives of patients, healthcare workers, visitors with the aim to reduce healthcare associated infections (HAI) and associated deaths.
Why we are in the position to do what we do
Clean Hospitals is a coalition of international stakeholders who work explicitly to promote Healthcare Hygiene. This initiative was born from a lack of strong guidance for environmental hygiene, missing awareness and the need for a whole sector to improve healthcare environmental hygiene. The chair of Clean Hospitals, Prof Dider Pittet, launched the Save Lives Clean Your Hands campaign in 2010, focusing on the need for improved hand hygiene to prevent avoidable infections. The engagement of healthcare workers, patients and the general public has resulted in a highly acclaimed campaign, leading to many lives saved across the world each year.